"Dionysus in Ecstasy" is a captivating mini XY boy who marks the debut of PashaPasha's latest face mold, "Satiated." This unique fullset showcases striking golden eyes, a hyper-realistic resin faceup, and a wildly meticulous body blush featuring intricately crafted physical details like curly chest hair, a pubic trail, groin and bum hair, and thick wisps of armpit hair. His articulated hands and feet have been carefully pedicured and painted and they are complemented by a curly sandy blonde hand-laid wig and striking permanent resin sealed tattoo sleeves. He embodies a truly mesmerizing essence.

  • He has a gold and lace embellished cape made from vintage textured fabric with a tie closure

  • delicate peach organza pleated ruff with ribbon tie

  • painstakingly patterned rose gold and lace embellished fetish mask with eyelet closure

  • rose gold filigree over-mask with buckle closure

  • rose gold and lace embellished leotard with back button closure, bar-studded suspenders, and playful groin cutout

  • bar-studded silver panties with rose lace embellishments and button closures

  • calf-length gartered mesh socks with back button closures

  • silver ankle boots with rose gold and lace embellishments and eyelet closures

  • assortment of metal rose gold rings

  • silk brown-black scarf

  • beige throw fabric

  • featured painted multi-color throne included